Monday, January 24, 2011

Minutes - 24th January Meeting (@ Lukes)

Hi All,

The next meeting is Thursday the 10th Feb at 7pm at Lukes. Stick around afterwards to have dinner, a chat,  and pat a cat (your choice of fiesty short haired domestic black or posh, fluffy and possum-like).

Here are some other important dates:

Feb 21 - Have a full colour image for the postcards/invite. The size is approximately A6 but exact dimensions will be given once we here back from the printer. Be warned....any work not given by this date will not be printed!

Feb 28 - Printing resumes

March 14 - Invites to be sent out and taken to artshops, cafes, Uni etc

In regard to the double AO images, once we hear from Hilde about the exact size of the cardboard, Luke and Robin will let us all know the exact size to create the artwork for print. Once we get this info, we will have 7 days to get the piece finished and sent. All the details of what are needed will be provided, so watch this space.

9x5 boards - were supplied by Jackie last night. If u didn't get one, let Jackie know. What was decided was that there will be NO theme for these pieces, but that they should be a personal piece that expresses yourself as an artist (since they will be shown in partnership with your personal artist statement.

Logo - I think is pretty much resolved to work as a "wheel" and also as a "flatter line of text". (sorry, dont know how else to describe it).

The end.. for now,



  1. Thank you for the minutes Louise!

    Very helpful and informative since I couldn't be there :)

    I'm moving back to Melb next Monday so i'll definitely be able to make it to the next meeting! yay!!!!!


  2. Cool, will make sure my images will be done by the 21st. I thought we needed the first image by Thursdays meeting??

