Friday, January 14, 2011

January 13 - Meeting Minutes

Meeting was held at uni with Colleen and Stephen, and nearly everyone was there which was great.

Luke has confirmed the dates of the exhibition....

Set up and installation is on Tuesday 22 March

Opening night is Friday 25th March

The exhibition is only open for 1 week, but at this stage I'm not sure if we'll be packing up on the Monday or Tuesday of the following week.

Absolutely everyone MUST be there on the 22nd to set up. Sorry but no excuses.

We are hopefully getting Dave O'Neil to open the show, but Stephen will be following this up.

For the instalation, each persons image will be a B&W print, basically the size of 2 x A0 (portrait) sheet joined together to form one image, so it will be long and skinny. Luke or Robin will let us know the exact size real soon, with a template to be supplied by  Luke.

We are also going to seek sponsorship from "Makedo" clips so that we can put the installation together, but it seems likely that NMIT willl pay for them if this cant happen, as they'll be able to use them for other purposes in the future.

Colleen is also going to try to get sponsorship from Deans Art, Computers Now, and who ever we use as our printers.

Stephen reiterated that this is an "industry show" not a "graduate show". He read a media release blurb that he and Colleen will use on the NMIT website that speaks of what the show is, and also promotes the Illustration course. It will officially be referred to annually as the "NMIT Bach of Illustration Industry Show".

Levine has designed a great little logo of a guinea pig running in a revolving wheel. A few suggestions were made before she goes into final artwork, but it looks like a "rubber stamp" image, with hand drawn type of 'the end is the beginning' incorporated into the outline of the wheel (see previous post for an early rough).
The logo will be used on the website and catalogue.
Thanks Levine!

How to make £
To make a pound symbol (£) on your keyboard, it's Option 3.

Catalogue Design
Any thoughts, please bring to the table. Me and Luke (and possibly others) will be meeting with Stephen at the NMIT Preston printers to get ideas on options and costs to better inform us on which direction is both budget conscious and sexy.

We will be making a webpage (thru Blogger) that will have links to our individual websites, and will contain select images of the works in the show. This will act in relation to the invite, for further info on the show and the participating artists.
One thought is that we do a really simple page in the lead up to the show, and then once it opens, then add all the images that are in the show, so that it isn't a spoiler before the fact, but will be a great catalogue of the exhibition that we can keep online for the rest of time.

Some, as yet unspecified person will need to design/do this.

is at Lukes House. We have decided to do an after hours time so hopefully no one works at this time. (Bring a couple of dollars and we can maybe get a few pizzas for dinner.)
The date is January 24 at 7pm. Contact Luke via email for address.
As we will need to put out media releases, and compile the catalogue, we will need a colour image from everyone that you are really happy with to promote yourself. It may be that we can update the image if u end up doing a picture you like better, but we can't guaratee that time will allow for this to be possible.

We will also be meeting at the Gallery tday to work out how much space we will all have, and to see how the installation should go. No drama's if u cant make it. 2pm if u can!

Love you and leave you,


  1. Thanks for professional minutes taking and posting Louise!
    I can´t make it to the meeting on the 24th as I am still overseas. I´ll be back by Wednesday morning. Did you assign anyone to be in charge of catalogue stuff ( who do I send my image to?)

