Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sketch for exhibition layout


  1. Very rough sketch of how we could build our structure.
    Zigzag cardboard (look to Luke´s sketch for MUCH better example).
    We could build it attached to the back wall.
    Our artwork would be displayed on inside and outside with pathways on the floor leading to our sections on the walls.
    I was wrong about attaching things to the floor - We CAN tape things down, just no paint. We could tape down string, paper, cardboard, lollies etc..

    This idea would look like a circus-tent kind of structure with the logo on top cut out of cardboard.

    The cardboard comes in roughly 1100x1100 with rounded corners. We can get as much cardboard as we want from my friends fathers old work in Melbourne. But we have to pick it up and find somewhere to dump it after.

    A0 prints are 841x1189 in size. Works well with the size of cardboard if we paint the cardboard, stick some more paper on the edges or cut the cardboard to fit prints.

  2. I like this idea.. it would be cool if the logo on the top was a real life cage and with a cardboard cut out of a guinea pig or a model of a guinea pig..


  3. Out of all the sketches, this is my fave. I like the idea of the logo being up top as described by Levene in a real cage, kinda quirky. - Lorena
