Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Could everyone that has posted anything please sign their names at the end. Thanks

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

End is the beginning logo


Hey everyone.. quite nervous about putting this up cos its very rough but so far what do you think of the layout and idea? I tot of having the wheel look like it was painted instead of something clean cos i think most of our styles are a bit more traditional and hand drawn and we want to differentiate ourselves from graphic designers. 

The font is just something I did by hand.. totally not final but thats the idea of the 'T' connecting with the wheel. The guinea pig I want to make bigger and push up a little more to occupy the space.. but like i said i don't have photoshop now so.. Prob can see this working both as a traditional looking piece and also vectorised. Also can see the circular bit with the words, animated and moving round and round and our little guinea pig's legs moving as well... would look cute as button badges? Please critique! 

oh! and i'm not finished with the design of the guinea pig.. i think he looks too much like a fat mouse now.. but I like the simplicity of the shape and the teeny legs.. I'll try one slightly furrier and white with a patch on one eye..

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Specs for struture

Here are some specs I've been working on for the structure in the space. More to come.


Any thoughts or comments?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Blog updated

The blog has been re-designed as per request.


Monday, December 13, 2010

AO Illustration

Hi, Here's my idea. I havent yet worked out the final design, but the idea is about the repetative nature of theatre both in performance and costume design.
For a 3D element, i think i will be making some legs that kick out from the construction, and maybe some feathers in her hair.

AO Illustration

Hi everyone,

This is my illustration for our house installation. I haven't come up with any ideas for what sort of objects could be sticking out from the illustration (as discussed in last meeting), so if any of you have any ideas please comment and let me know!


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dec 9, 2009 Meeting - minutes

Here are the minutes for the last meeting:

- Responsibilities to be divided into groups or to be allocated to individuals by volunteering for that position, or allocated by the group.

- so far responsibilities are as follows:

-Gallery Liason officer
-setting up blog -> on a white backgroup please!
-making mockup of "house" installation/structure.

-cardboard supply for structure -->supply of material, and dimensions.

Head of logo/brand. Will work in consultation with others including Louise and Chloe.

Catalogue/Zine for exhibition. Will need to gather a small team to help with concepts/design.

Lorena and Latif
Printing team - will research and get quotes for printing, and then be in charge of all printing needs.
(will need to consult with Robin, as information of what is required is decided).

Need money? ask Jacqui. And every one needs to KEEP RECEIPTS for anything purchased for the show.

Will take minutes at meetings and act as a sort of chairperson.
-will organise getting a 9x5 piece for those that dont have one.
-Press release blurb

Everyone else
More responsibilities to be volunteered for or assigned as new information and planning gets underway.



The next meeting is on January 13th at 10 am at Fairfield, and will be with Stephen and possibly Colleen. Bring a small scale pic of your B&W image to the meeting (see "installation").
I will not go on about turning up other than to say this....

•Bring a diary to all meetings.

•Take notes. I will take minutes but it is on each individual to take notes for themselves on key points.

•PLEASE BE ON TIME!! Many people have to go to work, so we need to get started at the time specified. Also, being constantly interrupted, and having to go over points already discussed is counterproductive. We all know things can happen like trains running late so I'm not being a hardass, just professional.


As you all probably know, we are doing a group piece which will be in the form of a building-like structure. The theme is ""The end is the Beginning" for this piece (and the 9x5 "doors" - see below).
Each artist will do a B&W image on one panel, and then on the other side will be a mish-mash collage using repeated elements of these images, combined to form a new work.
Therefore, what we require off everyone is an image! Hilde will supply dimensions, but please start drawing ideas for it now. Deadline for the completed B&W image from evertyone is strictly Jan 29 to allow for printing and putting it together.

We were discussing having a limited palette of colors to use in the catalogue, logo etc, and then keep these colours to do some watercolour, ink or collage applications on the "house".
Go crazy with your ideas. We showed each other our designes at the meeting and had a really great brainstorming session, where i think most of us walked away with ideas of how we could really bring these ideas to 'life'.
Another thing we thought could work well is if everyone added some kind of 3D element to their piece, no matter how big or small. For example, Levene plans on putting some suspended paper cranes hanging from her piece.
Could everyone that has done their rough please post it to get this thing rolling. It doesn't need to be a final work or finished rough, a thumbnail expressing the idea is fine and good.


For the catalogue, we will be needing an image, sepereate to the above mentioned piece, which will be used in the catalague. Make it be a winner, as this will be the one image people will walk away with.
This image needs to be emailed to Robin by Jan 29 latest.

9 X 5 DOOR:

The door is a symbol of the show. As Jim Morrison said (something like) "there is everything here, and there is everything beyong here, and in between are the doors".
The moral of the story is, everyone is to do a piece on a 9x5inch piece of wood, with this theme in mind.
Wood will be supplied to all that dont have one at a later date.

we have decided to have an image of a guineapig running in a wheel as an image to use for the logo.
The reasons are metaphorical, so start pondering if u dont get it.

Thanks all.
Hope u feel inspired to get started.


Hi Eveyone.
I will be writing the minutes of the last meeting which i will post later today. I do have one request though that we change the background of the blog to white. Firstly the black hurts my eyes, and also when we start posting images of our prints the work will not be affected by its surrounds.
Louise x

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Plastic clips for Cardboard structure.

As discussed on the 9th of December we have discovered that using plastic clips can bought to affix our large cardboard structure together securely and will allow us to bypass the use of tape. Watch the video on the opening page to get the idea.

The link is below(provided by Robin)
